Small Sample Tissue Acquisition and Processing for Diagnosis and Biomarker-driven Therapy of NSCLC
Welcome to WABIP's free online learning tool to increase knowledge regarding the appropriate selection, acquisition, and processing of cytology and histology samples from patients with known or suspected lung cancer.

Program Description
- To increase knowledge pertaining to the selection, acquisition, handling, and processing of small cytology and histology samples.
- To help ensure physicians are able to acquire tissue of adequate quantity and quality for molecular analysis.

- To increase knowledge pertaining to the selection, acquisition, handling, and processing of small cytology and histology samples.
- To help ensure physicians are able to acquire tissue of adequate quantity and quality for molecular analysis.

General Learning Objectives
- As a result of these webcasts, viewers will be able to describe and discuss best practices for procedural sampling of primary lung tumors, lymph nodes, and metastatic sites in patients with suspected or known NSCLC.
- Viewers will be able to describe and discuss best practices for tissue processing and downstream laboratory analysis of small samples to maximize diagnosis, classification, and molecular testing.
- Viewers will be able to describe and discuss small tissue sampling strategies and techniques applicable to molecular pathways that enhance biomarker-directed therapy for patients with NSCLC.

More specifically, after viewing this series of webcasts, viewers should be able to:
- Describe the rationale for using molecular markers in biomarker-directed NSCLC therapy.
- Identify best practices for the selection (source and type), acquisition (focused on minimally invasive techniques), handling, and processing of small volume samples needed for molecular analysis in patients with known or suspected NSCLC.
- Describe some of the specific targetable molecular pathways in NSCLC.
- Describe some of the predictors of response or resistance to NSCLC therapy.
- Describe some of the currently used assay technologies used for molecular biomarker analysis of small tissue samples.
- Identify best practices pertaining to specimen collection, handling, processing, and laboratory analysis of small specimens obtained using minimally invasive techniques, as well enhance the management decisions process in the context of multidisciplinary lung cancer patient-focused care.

Each fictitious clinical case scenario is based on a conglomerate of real patient data. Cases have been modified to avoid any possibility for patient identification and to help meet educational objectives. Any resemblance to real persons, living or deceased, is purely coincidental.
The content for these webcasts has been developed by members of the World Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology. All content was reviewed by an independent multidisciplinary team of experts. Unless otherwise specified, all content is the property of WABIP.
The content for these webcasts has been developed by members of the World Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology. All content was reviewed by an independent multidisciplinary team of experts. Unless otherwise specified, all content is the property of WABIP.